4 events have been carried out within this project:
Event 1 Small towns are going digital - how can ICT and digital technologies improve public services and quality of living and doing business in small cities - kick off meeting Participation: The event involved 51 citizens, including 4 participants from the city of Laktaši (BiH), 1 participant from the city of Gradiška (BiH), 1 participant from the city of Voki küla Võru vald Võrumaa (Estonia), 3 participants from Ludza District (Latvia), 3 participants from Ploeuc-l'Hermitage (France), 1 participant from Žužemberk (Slovenia), 3 participants from Trebnje (Slovenia), 3 participants from Zagorska Sela (Croatia), 1 participant from Jastrebarsko (Croatia), 21 participants from Pregrada (Croatia), 2 participants from Krapina (Croatia), 6 participants from Zabok (Croatia), 2 participants from Brussels (Belgium) Biljana Borzan MEP, Erol Gaši Location / Dates: The event took place in Pregrada, Croatia from 5.12.2019. to 7.12.2019. Short description: The aim of the event was the official project launch and the Kickoff meeting organisation. Moreover, it aimed to inform citizens about the crucial EU developmental issue - digitalisation and ICT technologies. 3-day meeting included press conference about the project, study tour to Zabok to STIR UP COWORKING and REGEA (Energy Efficiency Agency). The City of Pregrada hosted Feel the city event where each partner brought exhibition, poster section, promo movie, or local product and present it to other partners and citizens of the host city. Citizens were introduced to common European traditions and foster multicultural understanding. Second day of the meeting offer partner presentations about local debates which were held before the meeting on the importance of digitalization, but also panel discussion with policy makers and national and local experts, which included MEP Biljana Borzan, mayor of City of Jastrebarsko Zvonimir Novosel, deputy director of Krapina-Zagorje County Entrepreneurial Centre and WBAF- Croatia, representative from Ultima, ICT company which develops digital platforms for government institutions in Croatia. On the last day, there was time to reflect on the meeting and networking, conclusions on this topic were made by the partners and the partners had a consortium meeting regarding preparations for the next event. Partners also visited the Christmas Fair in Pregrada. Further information regarding the first meeting can be viewed in the following link: https://www.pregrada.hr/novosti/europa-za-gra%C4%91ane-u-pregradi https://fb.watch/iUakHMB6iv/ https://www.facebook.com/MarkoVesligajPregrada/posts/pfbid02aBVnPVwFb7vZ5kArinGVRu2T2wEpKLaz2XJPHfUtyXYSCegU4ESd9JqPhxJrv8QPl https://www.facebook.com/lag.zagorje.sutla/posts/pfbid037XjdGUsvAynCaC5jGcAUiVyebPy91c9CcA9rkucbbcY4zNsCGC27dYXANBDGasjNl https://www.facebook.com/Ultima.Asg/posts/pfbid0kvYNkwbfNJBi1PPicTm8CKfBC4ufjW3gZk7uYzDqWsoh5SLKjvKeU43mRUpaDwaQl https://www.facebook.com/MarkoVesligajPregrada/posts/pfbid0mYoJQzXjkJbdpsqPtvDsNxhsDspiDm9Pq6rnanF2FqynZU216HdBowE9AiY8YrnTl https://www.facebook.com/LudzasRajonaPartneriba/posts/pfbid0tJKPCntso1tJNA4yk9CmjpBmCjG2kpxpzzVBMy6ZDXK7qzME1UYtqvihszYm5whXl https://www.zagorje.com/clanak/dogadanja/europa-za-gradane-u-pregradi-kako-digitalne-tehnologije-mogu-poboljsati-kvalitetu-zivota-i Event 2 Participation: The event involved 29 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Laktaši (BiH), 3 participants from the city of Voki küla Võru vald Võrumaa (Estonia), 2 participants from Ludza District (Latvia), 2 participants from Ploeuc-l'Hermitage (France), 9 participant from Žužemberk (Slovenia), 5 participants from Trebnje (Slovenia), 1 participant from Ivančna Gorica (Slovenia), 4 participants from Pregrada (Croatia). Location / Dates: The event took place in Žužemberk, Slovenia, from 9.07.2021. to 10.07.2021. Short description: The aim of the event was to think how to develop short food chains and diverse agricultural production. It was the time of COVID-19 restrictions, so the event was in hybrid format. Part of the event was happening live in Žužemberk and part was happening via Zoom. First day the hosting partner organized press conference about the project in Slovenian and Croatian language. After that partners presented results of the local debates, held prior the event in Žužemberk. In the end of first day, every partner could participate in the Feel the City event - opening event of Trški dnevi, which was livestreamed. On the second day hosting partner presented several good practice examples on the local situation on the topic of short food chains. Also, partners organized anel discusssion on the topic of short food chains and diverse agricultural production. Also, there was time to reflect on the meeting and for networking, conclusions on this topic were made by the partners and the partners had a consortium meeting regarding preparations for the next event. Further information regarding the second meeting can be viewed in the following link: https://suhokranjske-novice.com/pester-zacetek-praznovanja-obcinskega-praznika/ https://www.facebook.com/GradPregrada/posts/pfbid025o3bE5YyVRU3mRwrUsK5kFKtGnPMJNjSigvkkrnhjP83XCS4qDtGeaUichbrrQJNl Event 3 Participation: The event involved 27 citizens, including 3 participants from the city of Laktaši (BiH), 3 participants from the city of Voki küla Võru vald Võrumaa (Estonia), 2 participants from Ludza District (Latvia), 7 participants from Ploeuc-l'Hermitage (France), 1 participant from Žužemberk (Slovenia), 2 participants from Trebnje (Slovenia), 3 participants from Pregrada (Croatia), 4 participants from Zagorska Sela (Croatia) Location / Dates: The event took place in Ploeuc-l'Hermitage, from 14.03.2022. to 16.03.2022. Short description: The aim of the event was to address EU development issues social inclusion and generational renewal. It was the time of COVID-19 restrictions, so the event was in hybrid format. Part of the event was happening live in Ploeuc-l'Hermitage and part was happening via Zoom On the first day hosting partner organised Feel the city event in the tourist office of Saint-Brieuc and visit of Saint-Brieuc and its Bay. Meeting included partner presentation on local debates which were held prior to the event in France. Second day the hosting partner presented good practices on youth policies and their investment in education. Partners were also introduced to programs and projects of youth centers and youth associations, and they also visited some of the youth centers and the new school canteen. Also, there was time to reflect on the meeting and networking, conclusions on this topic were made by the partners and the partners had a consortium meeting regarding preparations for the next event. Further information regarding the second meeting can be viewed in the following link: https://www.facebook.com/GradPregrada/posts/pfbid033iuvfvSirGjsJ7MzX2aAyEtgwR3KBSNbtFCaLG4DeR4c7m8tuYmddUGfZP9nZpufl https://www.pregrada.hr/novosti/odrzan-treci-medunarodni-sastanak-partnera-na-projektu-stednet-u-okviru-programa-europa-za https://www.zagorje-international.hr/2022/03/24/kako-zadrzati-mlade-u-malim-gradovima-i-postati-pozeljnim-mjestom-za-zivot/ Event 4 Participation: The event involved 98 citizens, including 5 participants from the city of Laktaši (BiH), 1 participant from Dubica (BiH), 3 participants from Ploeuc-l'Hermitage (France), 3 participant from Žužemberk (Slovenia), 6 participants from Trebnje (Slovenia), 62 participants from Pregrada (Croatia), 4 participants from Zagorska Sela (Croatia), 5 participants from Krapina (Croatia), 2 participants from Zabok (Croatia), 2 participants from Desinić (Croatia), 2 participants from Hum na Sutli (Croatia), 1 participant from Lobor (Croatia), 1 participant from Tuhelj (Croatia), 1 participant from Stubica (Croatia) Location / Dates: The event took place in Pregrada, from 15.09.2022. to 17.09.2022. Short description: Final conference in Pregrada was a place of formalizing the network and presenting the project results. On the first day each partner presented project results for their organisation. The hosting partner held panel discussion Our European Smart, Green & Innovative Future with panelists - Marko Vešligaj, mayor of Pregrada and member of European Committee of the Regions - Helena Matuša, Head of Entrepreneurial Centre of Krapina-Zagorje County - Nenad Miletić, North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency - Tanja Ivek, Zagorje Development Agency. The hosting partner presented Erasmus+ in Pregrada Municipal Museum, presentation was held by dr.sc. Davor Špoljar, Director of Museum and Erasmus+ Ambassador for Croatia. On the second day, the hosting partner organized filming of a video of the project (https://youtu.be/rcb1bfGEPuo) Mayors and leader of organizations signed the declaration: Our European Smart, Green & Innovative future, which was based on the conclusions of the meetings on European level. The hosting partner organized Feel the City event Grape harvesting event. Further information regarding the second meeting can be viewed in the following link: https://www.pregrada.hr/sites/default/files/Glas%20Pregrade%20broj%2021%2C%20prosinac%202022.pdf https://radio-stubica.hr/u-pregradi-potpisana-povelja-o-suradnji-u-sklopu-projekta-small-town-european-debates-network/ https://www.facebook.com/GradPregrada/posts/pfbid02h3MCWao7oPmYFnGt9SvG1f9t2uwewgAaVSQgkMXVFQ25VYJXfYsCvB3mTkPxDt5Wl https://www.facebook.com/GradPregrada/posts/pfbid02t38sXQ63KRGRYxhyVG5a4oinf4itNTAgVRngPxmXEL96DaiT8itkQctBinb3VXbbl https://www.facebook.com/MarkoVesligajPregrada/posts/pfbid029eALJ8UY9TL9pD2LfGGu5kn6PneLDZGA8KC5zNwSv43QhDr9WvpHhpsrk6J7bmtLl https://www.facebook.com/zagorskarazvojnaagencija/posts/pfbid0j9La1RNe4LkCfLS3JgnyNUL5PpZgqNmTZdRNihAQyKsBU1FWKr46xD5gDfXnBQTrl https://www.facebook.com/card.cerd/posts/pfbid015hBY2MFDD2MfNRWcBMP18NSpkEgD5wqT92gZy8tUEYkMJQcF9AcrKApvEFrBoNHl https://www.facebook.com/muzej.pregrada/posts/pfbid02zs8c937jkDkRrAs6NU72e2MK2ChEHkfRUNb8bTLuke4ohPknEn64SFA2eHVGLyr7l?__cft__[0]=AZVGpUSG8mJ-td-tjojluyniwP_l5miJtfjof6q6qm2j0IGJOlNktyxfyniwCMOBIgT78J3pLdm9cde_Snr2ToXLcFvq5j9avP5XKN23JiVT5Gl1MORiyol5Ou2QUodlJo1wp4K02Y4sYc03PTpnBwFVMu2PAecN-gd2KZXU7oXZ0A&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R https://www.zagorje.com/clanak/vijesti/potpisana-povelja-o-medunarodnoj-suradnji-cilj-nam-je-zajednickim-snagama-osmisliti-projek https://www.zagorje-international.hr/2022/09/18/kroz-suradnju-i-eu-fondove-moze-se-utjecati-na-to-da-mladi-ostanu-zivjeti-u-malim-gradovima-kao-sto-je-pregrada/  |