
The Ludzas Youth Club „Lietussargs”

The Ludzas Youth Club „Lietussargs” was founded on 10th of September, 1998 with aim to encourage young people to participate in the social and cultural life of the district, with goal to help young people to aware themselves and their place in the society and promote their self fulfillment.

Partnership “Ludzas Youth Club „Lietussargs”” realized project “Purchase of the sound hardware for the Ludzas Youth Club „Lietussargs””. The project was implemented by participation in the activity “Diversification of the rural economy and Quality of Life in rural areas”, which was organized by Rural Development Program.

The aim of the project was to purchase the modern sound equipment to diversify leisure time of the young people.

The project was implemented during the time from 15th of March, 2010 to 30th of July, 2010.  The total costs of the project were Ls 7000.00. Ls 6300.00 of the total sum were publicly financed and the other sum of money (Ls 700.00) was financed by Ludzas municipality. 16 devices were acquired in the time of the project.
