Tiek veidots likumdošanas ietvars LAP 19.3 pasākumam "Valsts un Eiropas Savienības atbalsta piešķiršanas kārtība vietējām rīcības grupām starpteritoriālai un starpvalstu sadarbībai" vairāk informācijas šeit:
LEADER pasākums ES valstīs (prezentācijas)
LEADER/CLLD transnational cooperation. European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) support to LEADER cooperation - presentation by Michael Gregory, The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) |
| LEADER/CLLD transnational cooperation principles and regulations in different Nordic and Baltic states: | | Denmark presentation by Dea Cordt Kragh, Danish Business Authority |
| Finland presentation by Leena Anntila, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
| Germany presentation by Anke Wehmeyer, National Rural Support Unit |
| German Saxony - presentation by Christoph Hrubesch |
| Latvia presentation by Andra Karlsone, Ministry of Agriculture |
| Co-operation chapter from Latvian RDP |
| Lithuania - presentation by Jolanta Vaičiūnienė, Ministry of Agriculture |
| Poland presentation by Magdalena Mach, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
| Sweden presentation by Hans-Olof Stålgren, Swedish Rural Network |
| Slovenia |
| Estonian cooperation rules: | | Estonian LEADER cooperation rules, presentation by Kristine Hindriks, Ministry of Rural Affairs of Estonia |
| Estonian Fisheries cooperation rules, presentation by Liis Reinmaa, Ministry of Rural Affairs of Estonia |
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